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About Us

The Latino Migration Project, LMP, is an education and research program dedicated to improving public understanding about the impact and implications of the expanding Latin American presence in North Carolina and the Southeastern United States. Recent migration to the region is a continuation of a historical process that has long served as a source of economic development of the state as well as a catalyst for revisiting issues of civil rights, diversity, and the status of marginal groups in society.

People dancing at a rodeo

Based at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Latino Migration Project fulfills a number of critical needs in a state with one of the fastest growing Latina/o/x populations in the nation. These needs include:

  1. Accurate and timely information about immigration issues relevant to the general public well-being
  2. Strategic planning for immigrant integration in NC local governments
  3. Leadership development and academic training

The Latino Migration Project was established in 2006 as a collaboration between the Institute for the Study of the Americas, one of the oldest centers in the nation for the study of Latin America, and the Center for Global Initiatives at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

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Staff (Left to Right): Loren Caldwell, Brianna Gilmore, Kassandra Ciriza-Monreal, Emily Spangenberg, Susan Clifford, Daniel Velásquez, and Hannah Gill

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